Above image shows some data related to a walk. It says that the person has walked a distance of 7.05 km in 1 hour 8 minutes 49 seconds. Average pace shown here is 9 minutes 45 seconds per Km and the time taken in different kilometers are given just below that. This average pace can be simply computed by dividing the total time (1 hour 8 minutes 49 seconds) by the distance walked (7.05 Km) and doing the required conversions between hour, minutes and seconds. This means, if I walk each of the 7 Kms at the same pace completing them in exactly 9 minutes 45 seconds then the total time taken by me to walk 7.05 Kms would be 1 hour 8 minutes 49 seconds. In the last .05 Km too, the pace has to be same. Time taken in each of the 7 Kms are given in the image. Let us check, whether the walking pace was higher or lower than the given average in the last .05 Km. Before reading further, pause a bit and think about the process you would like to follow to do this. I plan to check whether the given a